Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Sister Visit

So my next post was supposed to be on the camel race I attended in February.  Unfortunately I'm still trying to open the file my friend sent with all the pictures and videos (I forgot my phone at home and had to use her camera).  So I will table that post for another day when I have nothing else to talk about.

For now let's talk about my first visitors!!!  At the beginning of March my two sisters - Asani and Briana, along with our friend Traci came to visit me.  I was so excited my family was going to see where I have been living for the past seven months.  Of course the time went by too fast, especially because they were only here from Friday to Monday.  That's not enough time when you're traveling internationally FYI.  I was just as tired as they were if not more by the time they left.  Check out our weekend together.

Our view. No, not from my house.  Our view from our hotel room in Abu Dhabi!

First stop, desert safari.

Dune bashing time.  EEEEE!

Desert photo shoot....

gone wrong!

Man down!  It's not easy walking up these sand dunes.

My attempt at sand boarding was a fail.  I wasn't on a big enough slope.  Therefore I didn't move at all.

Guess what day it is??  Not hump day, but we got enough time on the camel for some photos.

We were ready for some action on the ATV's. 

Time for entertainment and dinner.

Day one complete and we were ready for some sleep!

Ready to hit the road on day two.

Brunch time.  Coffee anyone?

Sightseeing in Dubai

Day Three, back in Abu Dhabi at the Grand Mosque

 Emirates Palace

Gold to go!  This is first gold ATM machine in the UAE.

On the steps of the palace.

Briana hugging my car.  She called it a clown car.  We definitely looked like clowns after packing ourselves and all of the luggage in there.

Last group photo after a great dinner at the souk.

That's it for this visit.My next group of visitors will be here at the end of April.  For now I'm getting ready for my Spring Break.  I'm heading back to Thailand.   Three years ago I had the opportunity to visit Phuket when a friend of mine was teaching English in Thailand.  This time I'll be in the city of Bangkok and then head back to Phuket to hang out at the beach.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Food Truck Fest

I'm back!!!  I have a few things to share, but I'll be breaking it up in three different post just to keep you guys coming back for more!

First let's talk about this weather.  I know if you are reading this and live on the east coast of the United States you might get upset about what I'm about to describe as winter here in Al Ain.  Since I've been back we have been experiencing our winter season.  The days start of cool somewhere in the 50's ( I say somewhere even though it's most likely the high 50's because we have windy days that make it feel like it could be the low 50's), by the afternoon we are in the 70's, and in the evening back to the 50's.  You would think that this weather is no big deal, especially if you're experiencing a snow storm every week.  Well, at school I started seeing boys coming to school wearing coats (yes coats, not jackets), scarves, mittens, and hats to keep them warm.  Oh, and this wasn't just the kids who were trying to stay warm, the women and my job were wrapped up as well.  Lately the weather has been very back and forth.  During the week it will be nice spring weather and then by the weekend it could be cool enough to throw on a jacket.   It's very unpredictable at this point.  I said all of that really to make some of you jealous but also to use it as a segue into my next topic.

The weekend of Valentine's Day, Al Ain hosted a food truck festival.  Based on how the weather had been we all knew that it would be a nice event outside at the park.  We were right about the event being nice, but we were wrong about the weather.  Our winter had taken a break (similar to what is happening in Atlanta from what I hear) and it was hot.  It was like if you are in the sun you are sweating hot!  We thought our winter here was officially over, but we were wrong.  But like I said the event was nice and we had a good time.

The food truck festival was a small event (small amount of trucks and literally small trucks), but it was big for Al Ain.  We usually have to travel to the Abu Dhabi or Dubai to attend a festival.  Luckily this event was traveling to three parts of Abu Dhabi - out west in the desert (all of it is technically the desert, but out west is nothing but desert), Al Ain, and then the city of Abu Dhabi. The Chairman of Tourism and Culture went to Europe, experienced food trucks, decided to ship some trucks over, and make it into a festival for all of the Abu Dhabi Emirate to experience.  Now I'll share some of my experience with you!

My recommendation: British Cheddar

I loved these small trucks!

My recommendation:  lamb and the king prawns

Wam Bui and I  enjoying the festival

James and David stuffing their faces

 Pretty sure these hot-dogs weren't pork.

This juice was delicious!  My recommendation:  pink lemon..aid


The spread!