Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wadi Adventure in Oman

Here in Abu Dhabi most of the teachers communicate through Facebook.  Upcoming events and opportunities are posted among multiple groups to keep people aware and/or active within their respective areas of Abu Dhabi.  One group in particular that I took interest in was Al Ain Weekends.  This group organizes short weekend or day trips around the UAE.  The trips can be a hike, a day cruise, a weekend in another emirate, etc.  Because I don't frequent Facebook to often, every time I did check it out I would have just missed an Al Ain Weekend event.  I told myself, before I leave I had to do at least one event with them.  Finally I checked Facebook at the right time and I was able to sign up for a hike in Oman.  

Al Ain neighbors Oman, so it was only a short drive across the border to the location of our hike.  On our hike we had about fifteen people in attendance and we had no problem getting across the Omani border.  The problem was getting up some of the rocky slopes we had to cross over to reach the wadi area.  Good thing we had experienced adventure seekers who came prepared for such a situation.  For some of the challenging slippery slopes, the larger truck had to pull the smaller trucks that were getting stuck up the to the top of the slope while the rest of us walked to the top (that was not supposed to be where we started hiking).  Once we safely made it to our destination, we were able to hike, climb, and wade through small wadis while exploring beautiful oasis.  It was pretty awesome that these really do exist in the desert.  This wasn't a mirage.  I have proof.  Take a look at my video and see for yourself.

**If you are currently living in the Abu Dhabi area, check out Al Ain Weekends on Facebook.  It's a great way to meet new people from all over the world and explore The UAE or Oman at the same time!


  1. Brit,
    I am so excited to share your journey which is incredible! Thank you for your amazing post! Blessings as you continue to travel and experience life!!! (((Hugs)))

  2. So proud of you and the experiences you've chosen to get involved with. But come back home already!!!!
