Thursday, September 4, 2014


So many people asked me if I was going to have a blog while overseas.  They wanted to be able to keep in touch and see how things are going on my adventure.  I wasn't sure at first, but then everyone kept asking the same questions.  Then the blog seemed like a very good idea.  Instead of having to repeat myself 500 times I would just post what's going on once!

Now even though I am a teacher, I might not always follow the crazy grammar rules that have been set in place (sorry Mom).  I will use spell check though!  This is the place where I will post my pictures and let everyone know what I'm doing for the next two years of my life.  :)  For those strangers who don't know me and have just so happened to stumble upon my page, let me give you a little background info.

I graduated in 2006 from the best HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities) North Carolina A&T...Aggie Pride!  At that point I realized I could teach anywhere in the world and that would be a great experience.  Well, I finally got the courage to do so eight years later.  Time was passing me by and I couldn't allow myself to pass up such a great opportunity.  I knew that if I didn't go teach overseas I would regret it for the rest of my life.  So I had to stop being scared and just do it.  So here I am, in Abu Dhabi!

Join me on my adventure for the next two years.  Oh the places I'll go!


  1. I'm so excited to read along and imagine all the places you'll describe. Ready...set...go!!!

  2. Brit, I somehow stumbled across your blog on fb. So excited and proud for you!!! Enjoy your travels! Teach well and learn a lot!!!

  3. Aggie Pride!!! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’› I am heading over soon and I am soooo excited!
